Let’s Talk

Why Choose Us

Revolutionize your transactions with our cutting-edge payment processing platform, seamlessly integrating advanced security features with lightning-fast transactions, empowering businesses to thrive in the digital economy. Say goodbye to antiquated payment methods and embrace the future of commerce with our intuitive and secure platform, designed to streamline transactions and optimize financial operations effortlessly.


No volume requirements




Free merchant portal with dispute management

Go With The Leader

full reporting

User friendly comprehensive reporting tools

timely support

World class support and client services to ensure prompt and accurate payment

Business Tools

Industry leady tools that help you manage your business and serve your clients well

Leverage Technology

Leverage our cutting edge industry leading technologies for easy payments

Send us a quick message

We look forward to answering your questions and helping you find the best solution to help your business grow and thrive in the new economy.

Contact Us

We at payments factory value providing world class solutions, service and support. We look forward to helping you accomplish your goals of profitibily through the lastest and best payment solutions and technology.

our address

165 Broadway                  23rd Floor                          New York, NY 10006

780 Elkridge Landing Rd. Suite 210                 Linthicum Heights, MD 21090